female holding box full purple decor
Artificial Flocked Trees

Top 7 things to do on Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is traditionally when people gather for a Christmas meal, so why not make the most of it? Here are our top 7 things to do to make the best moments out of your Christmas Eve this year:

1. Watch Christmas Movies

The most obvious thing to do on Christmas Eve is to watch some Christmas movies. You can choose from classics like How the Grinch Stole Christmas or newer favorites like The Polar Express. There are plenty of movies that are appropriate for all ages, so everyone can enjoy them.

2. Eat Christmas Dinner

If you’re hosting a family dinner, make sure it’s delicious! You can have your traditional turkey, mashed potatoes, and gravy, or go with something a little more exotic like a ham or prime rib roast. If you’re not hosting, try going out to eat instead! There are some great restaurants that have special menus on Christmas Eve — go ahead and splurge a little bit!

3. Go See Santa Claus

If you visit Santa at your local mall or shopping center, he may have gifts for you under his tree! I always loved getting presents from Santa because it meant that he had been watching me all year long and knew what I wanted most (even if I didn’t know it myself).

4. Get out of the house and volunteer at a charity event like Toys for Tots or Meals on Wheels

You can as well help an organization that helps those less fortunate than you during the holidays by feeding the homeless with food or giving them blankets and warm clothing items like hats, gloves and scarves so they don’t get sick from being exposed to cold temperatures outside on the streets throughout winter months when temperatures drop below freezing point which can be life threatening if they’re not properly dressed for harsh weather conditions while sleeping outside at night in parks/under bridges/under highway overpasses/in abandoned buildings/etc…

5. Read all the great classics of Christmas literature

 Read classics like Dickens’ A Christmas Carol and even the lesser-known ones like Gahan Wilson’s The Man Who Hated Santa Claus, an eccentric black comedy about a man who tries to kill Santa Claus in order to end his reign of terror over the world but finds that killing Santa isn’t as easy as it sounds – it takes more than just shooting him in the head with a gun!

6. Go caroling with your neighbors (or at least invite them into your home for cookies)

This can be fun if you have children who are old enough not to try anything too naughty while singing outside someone’s door; they may also enjoy ringing doorbells as well – but if there is snow on the ground, be sure they wear boots so they don’t get cold feet!

7. Go for A Walk

The air will be crisp and cool on Christmas Eve, which makes it perfect for taking a walk outside with your family or friends. Enjoy the beautiful scenery around your neighborhood as well as the peace and quiet that comes with being outdoors late at night during the holiday season. Don’t forget to bundle up before heading outside though!